Breeding Being of Life
One day, Leo walk in the park with his family. Leo andfamily really enjoyed the activity. In addition to nourish the body,these activities can strengthen the sense of kinship.Leo always asked the parents, if one is not he understand. Whenup in a pond, Leo said, Mom, how do ducks reproduce?Why can not duck like a mother giving birth?Both parents Leo smiled at the question. Then,his father replied, Ducks can not give birth like humans, butducks lay eggs to produce children.What about the banana tree, banana tree in what wayreproduce? Leo asked again. Hearing the question, his fatherLeo advised to read a science book about the proliferationLiving creatures.
A. Breeding in Humans
1. Growth and Human Development in the UterusGrowth and human development in the womb begins when a merger occurs between sperm cells and egg cells. Uterus only women have. Thus, growth and development first occurs in the body of a mother. Joining of sperm and egg cells will form a zygote. The process is called by the process of conception or fertilization. After fertilization, the zygote will continue to divide and form embryos. After 120 hours of cleavage, the embryo will stick to the wall of the mother's womb. Consider Figure 2.1. Attachment process is called implantation. The embryo grows into a fetus and start getting foodand oxygen. Food and oxygen obtained from the mother.
Do you know why pregnant women for approximately 9 months? Study the growth anddevelopment of the fetus in the womb of the mother as follows. Period of growth and human development in the uterus is also called the pregnancy. The gestation period occurred for approximately 38 weeks. After approximately 38 weeks in the womb, the baby will be born into the world and initiate the growth and development outside the womb. Pertumbuhandan process of human development in the womb can be explained in Figure 2.2 below.
2. Growth and Human Development in Outer UterusHuman growth and development outside the womb or after birth occurs in somestage. Elizabeth Hurlock, a developmental psychologist, dividing it into four stages.Stages as follows.
a. Infant stages, ranging from birth to two weeks.b. Infancy stage, ranging in age from two weeks to two years of age.c. Stage of childhood, from age two until puberty (about 11 years).d. Adolescent or pubertal stage, ranging in age from 11 years to 21 years.Have you ever heard the term infants and toddlers? Including the stage where the two terms?After a phase of adolescence or puberty, adult stage of human experience.Humans continue to experienceuntil the stage of aging seniors. In the process of aging, physical body does not grow anymore, but reduced his ability. Consider Figure 2.3.
Most banyakterjadi human physical changes in adolescence. This period is also called puberty. This period was marked byphysical changes, psychological (emotional), as well as the active tool's perkembangbia.Changes that occur during puberty males differ from females.
a. Puberty in MaleAt puberty, every man will experience
changes as follows.1) The growth of bone that stands out in tengahtengahthe neck. This bone is called Adam's apple. The growthAdam's apple is accompanied by enlargementthe sound.2) The growth of hair in some partsbody, among others, mustache, beard, hair onarmpits, and hair around the genitals.3) Chest will be more membidang.From these characteristics, is there anything you'venatural?In addition to physical changes in Figure 2.4, a toolany breeding males (testes) become activein producing sperm. In addition, changespsychological violence occurring is interested in startingthe opposite sex.b. Puberty in WomenPhysical changes during puberty women willseen more clearly than men.Changes experienced are as follows.1) The growth of breast2) Your hips widen so that the shape your body willlooks more curved.3) The growth of hair in the armpits and around the toolsex.Consider Figure 2.5. In addition to these physical characteristics,
Another change is the means of breeding femalethe mulaiberfungsi. It was marked with menstruation.Menstruasiadalah blood discharge from the genitals of women. CaseIt is caused by the decay of the uterine wallbecause it does not happen on the female's ovum fertilization.It happened in cyclic. Cycle is approximately28 hari.Jika you experience these changes,You do not need to fear. Communicatewith parents (boy's father orher brother and daughter in the motheror sister). This is anatural and normal (natural). Each person mustwill experience it.c. Facing The way PubertyAt puberty, many changes have occurredon yourself you do not expect. At the time ofpuberty will occur emotional instability.Some things you need to do to deal withpuberty is as follows.1) Be calm and confident.2) Be honest and open to people whoyou trust when there is a feeling thatnot bad. It will help givecalmness and the way out.3) Always maintain cleanliness throughout the body and tools
sex to stay healthy and clean.Whether animals can breed? Is breedinganimals equal to humans? Animal
has two types of reproduction, namely mating(Generative) and are not married (vegetative). Tomore details of this study the following descriptions.
B. Animal Breeding'1. Breeding in Marriage (generative) 'Breeding is mating occurs because offertilization of an egg by a sperm cell. Sperm cellsproduced males. The egg cell is producedfemale animals.Based on the way, fertilization in animalsdivided into two. First, fertilization outsidethe body. Second, fertilization in the body.
a. Outside Body fertilization (Fertilisation External)Fertilization outside the body occurs because of the incorporationegg and sperm occur outsideits parent body. For example, in fish and frogs.Figure 2.6 shows the fertilization outside
b. Fertilization in the Body (Internal Fertilisation)
Fertilization in the body means the incorporationegg and sperm cells occurs in the bodyits parent.Fertilization in the body, especiallyoccur in groups of reptiles (reptiles),birds, and mammals (mammals).Proliferation in mating in animalsdivided into three, namely as follows.
a. Animals that reproduce by laying eggs (ovipar)In animals lay eggs, the growthand perkembanganembrio occurred outside its mother's body. Embrioitu wrapped and protected by a shell. Embryo in the egg yolks telurini equipped with(Yolk). Digunakansebagai yolkfood reserves for embryonic development. If the embryo has fully grown, the eggs will hatch and get out a new individual. Animals that breed is called ovipar spawn.Chicken and egg-laying animals burungmerupakan example. Examples of animal
turtles are reptiles that lay eggs (Figure 2.7).b. Animals that reproduce by Childbirth (viviparous)In animals that gave birth to a child,
the egg is fertilized by sperm in theits parent body. Growthand developmentembryo occurs withinits parent body. The embryo will be inin its mother's body until it is timewas born.Animals that developgave birth to reproduce is called viviparous.For example, cows, cats, goats, andlion (Figure 2.8).c. Animals that reproduce by laying eggs (Ovovivipar)In addition to ovipar and viviparous animals, there are also animals that can lay eggs, give birth. Animals so called ovovivipar. In these animals, after fertilization, the egg continues to grow inside the mother. Required food does not come from the parent embryo. However, foods derived from food reserves contained in the egg. After arrivingtime was born, her son would come out of its mother's body.Examples ovovivipar animals are whales (Figure 2.9), stingrays, and several types of snakes.
2. Breeding is Not Married (vegetative) '
Breeding is not just happening in marriagelow-level animals. Breeding innot married can be done in several ways. Betweenother by forming buds and fragmentation.a. BudBreeding by bud formationAmong other things, to Hydra. Did you know Hydra?Hydra is an animal that is not reinforcedback. Hydra lives in freshwater. On the bodyAdult Hydra will appear bulge. Bulgewill continue to grow and expand. When after a sufficiently large, the buds will be detached from its parent body. Detached shoots that will grow and develop into new individuals. Consider Figure 2.1o.
b. FragmentationFragmentation is the propagation originatingof his own pieces. Examples of animals thatreproduce by way of fragmentation isplanarians. Planarian worms are flatworms.Planarians can you find under rocks inthe river. The size is very small (Figure 2.11). Ifwe cut one part of his body, piecesbody that will grow into new individuals.
In addition to humans and animals, plants can reproduce. Do you know, how proliferation in plants? Plants reproduce by two ways, namely by mating (generative) and not married (vegetative).C. Breeding at Tumbuhan'1. Breeding in Marriage (generative)Breeding tool in mating (generative) in plants is the flower.Parts of the flower consists of flower stalks, flower base, petals, petals, stamens, and pistils like Figure 2.12.There are also plant flowers that do not have all these parts.
Stamen is the male genitals. Thefemale genitalia is the pistil. In the stamenthere is pollen. Pollen is a sex cellmanly. Not all plants have stamensand pistil in one flower. Plants that havestamens and pistils in a flower called the flower
perfect.Breeding is mating in plantsbegins with pollination. Pollination is the convergence of pollen and anthers. Pollenwas entered through the pistil toward going to the fruit stalk.Inside there will be fruit ovule.Ovule contains the cellfemale sex (egg cells). After the male sex celland females met then there is fertilization.After fertilization, the fruit will grow andseeds. The resulting seed is the embryo laterof new plants. Consider Figure 2.13.
'The process of convergence of pollen and anthers can occur by the plant itself. In addition,pollination can occur due to the help of luar.Penyerbukan dapat'terjadi through the help of the wind, animals, water, and humans.Assisted wind pollination generally have the following characteristics.a. Pollen and a lot lighter.b.Flowers with juice heads easily shaken.c. Anthers hairy and stretched out from
of interest. Examples of flowers that are wind pollinated assisted maize and grasses.Animal-assisted pollination generally have the following characteristics.a. Brightly colored and large crown.b. Interest rate peculiar odor.c. Flowers produce nectar.Examples of animal assisted pollinated flowers are daisies.Umumnyahewan membantupenyerbukan is a group of insects and the rush ng. Figure 2.15 shows the pollination by bees.
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Water can also help pollinate. Rainwater and river flows can help meeting between pollen and the stigma.Besides the wind, animals, danair, humans can help the pollination. Pollination by humans because pollen is difficult to reach the stigma. Example, pollination, the farmer, the vanilla plant.Based on the origin of pollen, pollination can be divided into four kinds.a. Self-pollinating
Pollen falls into the stigma of the flower itself.b. Pollination neighbors
Pollen falls into the stigma of another flower.
Interest is still in one plant.c. Cross pollination
Pollen falls into the stigma of another flower of different plants. Plants is still one type.d. Hybrid pollination
Pollen to the stigma of another fall is still one type. However, such interest is different
varieties.2. Breeding is Not Married (vegetative)Previously, it has been explained by the proliferation of
mating. Are there plants that produced without themarriage?Apparently, many plants that can growreproduce without mating. For example, onionsred, potatoes, and cassava (Figure 2.16). Plantcan be generated without going through the processmarriage. Proliferation that occurs withoutmating process is called propagation invegetative. Through vegetative propagation can occurin two ways. If the vegetative propagationoccur without human intervention, callednatural vegetative. The vegetative propagationthat occur with human intervention, calledartificial vegetative.a. Natural vegetative propagationHave you seen your mother peeling the onionred? Shallots are often used mother
as a spice in cooking is part of the tuber.How does the form of a red onion? Shallotshas the form of layers (Figure 2.17). Tuberare layered on the bottom to growthe roots. If the bulbs are planted, will sprout and growthen grow into new plants. Tuberso called bulbs.In addition to bulbs, breedingcan occur through natural vegetative stem tuber,shoots, rhizomes, geragih, and spores.1) Layer BulbsProliferation through the bulbs have been discussedbefore. In addition to onion, is there any plantAnother of the breed through the bulbs?Have you ever seen or onionsgarlic? Is the same shape withred onions? Consider Figure 2.18.
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Form of onion and garlic together with onion. The plant is a tuber in layers. In the midst of a multi-layered bulbs grow shoots. Berlapislapis parts are the leaves with one or two axillary buds. At the bottom of the stem, root fibers grow. If the bulbs are planted, will grow new plants.2) Bulbs TrunkDid you ever eat potatoes? Part ofyou eat is part of the plant stem
potato. The stem contains a backupof food. It becomes a big trunk and contained.Therefore, the stems are called tubersthe rod.Consider carefully the potato tuber.On the surface of the bulb, there are buds (Fig.2.19).Buds will be clearly visible if the potatoesparents who kept several days in damp places.The new potato plants will grow if weplanting the potato tuber. Plantgrow from buds on the tubers contained.Look for other plants that reproduce bystem tubers.
3) ShootsPlants that reproduce by budding example is the banana and bamboo. These shoots grow from the bottom of the soil and appear next to the parent plant (Figure 2.20a). However, there pulatunas that appears at the plant, such as the shoots emerge and grow on the leaves. Buds are called adventitious buds. Examples of plants that have adventitious buds are cocor duck (Figure 2.20b). Can you give other examples?
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4) rhizomesAnyone know if rhizomes that? If you do not know,note the ginger plant (Figure 2.21) or grass
around you. Ginger and the grass will grow togetherwith the parent plant. Unplug plantsfrom the soil. The part that connectsplants with each other is called rhizomes.Rhizomes that connect plantsno real roots.Rhizomes arestems that grow horizontally in the soil.Examples of other plants that reproduce byrhizomes are galangal, turmeric, and kencur. Whyvarious types of grass can grow rapidly inground?
6) Geragih (stolon)Geragih is creeping stems above ground.Geragih is also called the stolon. Geragih composedupper sections. Each segment is attached to the groundwill form roots and grow new shoots.Exampleplants that have geragih is strawberries,as shown in Figure 2.22.
7) Spore
Try to notice by you pakupakuan plant leaves,such as maidenhair ferns around you. Invertthe leaves. At the rear there is any part of the leafrounded (Figure 2.23). Part is called the boxspore. Inside the box there is a spore spores.Spores can not be seen directly. Tocan see spore you should use a microscope.Are there any other living creature that evolvedreproduce with spores?b. Artificial vegetative propagationHumans can do the breeding onthe plant. The goal is to obtainnew plants quickly and does not depend onthe season. In addition, new plants can be obtainedsame nature as its parent.Artificial vegetative propagation,among others, can be done through cuttings, grafts,dial (enten), paste (grafting), duck, and culturethe network. 1) SetekCuttings are breeding by plantingpieces / parts of plants. Plant partswhich can be planted to form the stem, stalk, orthe leaves. Not all plants can be disetek.Some examples of plants that can disetek are cassava,roses, and plants of the tongue-in-law. Cassava can bedisetek the stalks. Roses can disetek partthe stems. The tongue-in-law plant candisetek leaves (Figure 2.24).How do penyetekan?To find out, do the following activitiesin groups.
2) GraftThe purpose grafting is gaining new individuals that have exactly the same properties as its parent.Furthermore, grafting is done so that the plant quickly berbuah.Mencangkok must be done carefully. Plant species that can be transplanted are woody plants. Examples are mango, guava, and orange. Is there ever grafting? Howhow grafting? Mesh and very easy to do. First, select stalks or branches that are suitable for transplantation. Stems or branches are suitable for transplantation is old enough, can be seen from the size and color of his skin. Then, peel the skin andkambiumnya. Cover the peeled to the ground wrapped in plastic or coconut fiber. Keep the soil on the grafted part to keep it moist. After growing roots on the cuttings, cut the stalks and planting. Ways you can see on the graftingFigure 2.25. Good luck.
Lack of plant graft outcome is to have a less strong roots. The root is the root fibers formed. Still ingatkat you with this kind of root? Therefore, when it has to be little sustained dewasatumbuhan. 3) Connect (enten)Connecting or implant aims to combine the superior properties of two different individuals. For example, plants needed to support plant species that have strong roots. While to produce fruit or leaves or flowers that much needed plants that have high productivity. The resulting plants have strong rootsand high productivity. Examples of plants that can be connected is a family of plants. For example, tomatoes with eggplant. Here is a drawing process of connecting.
4) Paste (grafting)Sticking or grafting is to combine the buds on the stem of a plant plants that will be attached lain.Tumbuhan be strong. Paste (grafting) aims to combine two different plants in nature. Later, will dihasilkantumbuhan which has two different types of fruit or bungayang properties. For example, grafting on a flowerroses will produce two or more different colors. The plant will look more beautiful because of the colorful flowers. For more details, consider the following figure.
a. Iris bark that will be attached.b. Slice the stem bark of which has a bud that will slice the stem attached.c.Slices that have buds that will be affixed to the stem attached.d. Cut the top of the stem if the buds have appeared.
5) duckDucking is the hoarding process plant stem into the ground. At the stockpiled stem is expected to grow roots. Plants can be propagated by ducking in between strawberries, apples, sugar cane, strawberries, and jasmine. Do you know, how do plants bend ways?Lowered ways plants are as follows.a) Bars dirundukkan plants that will be bred. 'b) piled or buried stems of plants such
into the ground.c) If the stems have grown dirundukkan
roots, cut the stem that dirundukkan.Consider Figure 2.28.
''6) Tissue cultureAlong with the development of science and technology, then found a new technique of plant breeding. The technique is referred to tissue culture. Tissue culture techniques is the breeding of plants with plant plant tissues at specific places and media. With tissue culture plants you can generate only a part of the roots or other parts. Consider Figure 2.29 .''''''''
that special. Breeding will be more controlled and faster. The new plants produced the same as its parent and does not cause a negative impactthe environment.
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